Defending Canada’s national interest and the interests of our allies around the world: that’s the work of Canada’s military.
But the men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces have not received the support they deserve under Justin Trudeau’s leadership.
After 8 years of Justin Trudeau our military is in a state of disrepair.
This Prime Minister spends plenty of your tax dollars on his pet projects but too often neglects the basic services Canadians rely on.
That includes a military that can protect the country we call home and defend the values we cherish.
At a time of increased global tensions, the Prime Minister has neglected Canada’s armed forces. Last year, the Trudeau government spent 1.29% of our GDP on defence, putting Canada 25th out of 29 NATO members.
Our troops are struggling to do the jobs their country is asking of them due to personnel shortages and a lack of equipment.
Canadian troops in Latvia were not provided the helmets, body armour, and hearing equipment needed for the mission there.
In Poland, our troops were out of pocket thousands of dollars for unpaid meal expenses.
And last month, the Royal Canadian Air Force did not have the capacity to send even one aircraft to participate in joint NATO air exercises, even though 26 other NATO members did.
This is what Liberal neglect looks like and it has real consequences for the men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces.
Conservatives will stand up for our men and women in uniform and ensure they have the necessary equipment to protect Canada, fulfill our NATO obligations, and defend our interests and those of our allies around the world.