Mental Health & Addictions
Canadians are suffering and dying. It’s time for real action - and a new approach. Mental health and addiction were serious problems long before COVID hit. After a year of lockdowns made them worse, these are crises that our government needs to address.​
Propose to the provinces that they partner with the federal government by dedicating a significant portion of the stable, predictable health funding to mental health to ensure that an additional million Canadians can receive mental health treatment every year
Encourage employers to add mental health coverage to their employee benefit plans by offering a tax credit for 25% of the cost of additional mental health coverage for the first three years
Create a pilot program to provide grants to non-profits and charities delivering mental health and wellness programming
Create a nationwide three-digit suicide prevention hotline
Revise the federal government’s substance abuse policy framework to make recovery its overarching goal
Reorient the Canadian Drugs and Substances Strategy towards ensuring that everyone suffering from addiction has the opportunity to recover and lead a drug-free life
Create 1,000 residential drug treatment beds across the country over the next three year and build 50 recovery community centres across the country
Support land-based treatment programs developed and managed by Indigenous communities as part of a plan to enhance the delivery of culturally appropriate addictions treatment and prevention services in First Nations communities with high needs
Partner with the provinces to ensure that Naloxone kits are available for free across Canada